Today Amit Shah Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Bhupendra Patel Chief Minister of Gujarat, Rushikesh Patel Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat attended 6th Edition of Advancement in Endourology Conference (AIE) 2023 held by CIMS Marengo in Ahmedabad. Dr Kandarp Parikh along with other expert doctors in his team attended […]
Tag: cims
Marengo CIMS Hospital, Ahmedabad participates as a knowledge partner for the 6th Edition of the Advancement in Endourology Conference (AIE) 2023
The present 6th edition, the largest ever in the series, being held in the city from 15th to 17th December 2023 includes over 550 Urologists from across the world as participants Advancements in Endourology (AIE), an educational platform for Urologists to share novel ideas and updates have been mooted by Dr. Kandarp Parikh, the renowned […]
Marengo CIMS Hospital, Ahmedabad performs the first bloodless heart transplant in Asia
· This protocol coupled with exceptional surgical skills enables patients to be discharged in just nine to twelve days as compared to the usual 21 to 24 days· The hospital stay reduces to a mere 30% of what is required in conventional surgery, a reduction of 70% hospital stay New Delhi, 21st October 2023: Marengo […]
Marengo CIMS launches a state-of-the-art BMT and Cellular Therapy Unit to facilitate benefits for patients undergoing Bone Marrow Transplant
The unit offers one of its kind step-down BMT units for pre and post-transplant care The state-of-the-art unit will function as an in-house facility for total body irradiation and stem cell harvest Ahmedabad: Monday, 25th September 2023: Marengo CIMS Hospital today launched a state-of-the-artsix-bed, HEPA-filtered,one-of-a-kind step-down Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapy unit for Pre […]
Marengo CIMS Hospital Ahmedabad launches Gujarat’s ‘First’ Lung Integrated Failure Management & Evaluation (LIFE) Unit, dedicated to treating Advanced Lung Disorders
The new Lung Integrated Failure Management Evaluation (LIFE) Unit is significantly equipped to treat patients with end-stage lung diseases and the unique challenges they face every day The hospital aims to elevate the standard of care with a comprehensive Centre for Lung Transplantation and Advanced Lung Disorders, the best in clinical excellence in India Ahmedabad: […]
Marengo CIMS Hospital saves life of a patient from Mozambique suffering from a tumor in the size of a small football affecting the Adrenal gland
The patient had been suffering from the tumor since 2019 but no doctor was willing to operate This is a classic case of a patient with little time to live and clinical excellence is proven again Ahmedabad: Dated: 11th September 2023: In a rare case of a 24-yearS-old with a rare type of tumor termed […]
Marengo CIMS Hospital, Ahmedabad launches Gujarat’s ‘First’ Functional Neurosciences Unit dedicated to revolutionizing Neurological care
The Functional Neurosciences Unit is modelled to offer a comprehensive range of neurological care across various neurological diseases The ‘First’ Neurosciences unit in Gujarat will offer treatment solutions across several neurological diseases and disorders that are unexplored with a multidisciplinary team approach to achieve optimized outcomes The Functional Neurosciences Unit is backed by Gujarat’s First […]
Marengo CIMS Hospital, Ahmedabad announces the launch of a dedicated Liver ICU and Liver Clinic in their endeavor to initiate technological excellence in India
Marengo CIMS Hospital establishes a unique Liver ICU and Liver Clinic to meet the rising demands of enhanced treatment for liver diseases The new Liver ICU and Clinic is significantly equipped to treat patients with liver diseases and the unique challenges they face every day The Liver ICU will cater to benefit Liver Transplant patients […]
From death to life, the miracle of heart transplantation – Dr. Dhiren Shah, Director, Heart & Lung Transplant Program Marengo CIMS hospital
Ahmedabad, August 13 2023: A change of Heart, Changes everything, and let me tell you it’s not just philosophically true, but medically also. I am talking about Heart Transplantation. “Heart transplantation is no longer an experimental procedure (or a non-imp topic for exam). It is now the therapy of choice for selective patients with end-stage […]
Marengo CIMS Hospital Ahmedabad launches the Fourth & Most Advanced Cathlab for patient facilitation
Marengo CIMS Hospital advances one more step to treat the complexities like Cardiac / Neuro & Vascular issues Ahmedabad: Saturday, 22ndJuly 2023: Marengo CIMS Hospital proudly announces the launch of one of its kind Cath lab and continues to reinforce technological excellence in India. This is the fourth Cath lab in Marengo CIMS Hospital, Ahmedabad […]