Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan and his cute little friend sent the cutest happy Independence Day wishes to all of us. Kartik greeted nation with a tricolored air wheel and sent Independence Day wishes on 77th Independence Day. kartik’s cute little puppy was enjoying his patriotic gesture. His millions of fans would be delighted with Kartik’s I Day message. […]
Tag: delighted
IPL 2023 Final: MS Dhoni’s Chennai Super Kings become 5 time winner
IPL 2023 Final: MS Dhoni Becomes First Cricketer Ever To Achieve Mammoth Feat MS Dhoni added another massive milestone to his already illustrious career during the IPL 2023 final. MS Dhoni added an unique milestone to his already illustrious career during the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 final between Chennai Super Kings and Gujarat Titans […]
Varun and Kiara visited Ahmedabad for movie promotion of JugJugg Jeeyo
BY DARSHANA JAMINDAR Today Bollywood actors Varun Dhawan and Kiara Advani visited Ahmedabad. Varun and Kiara dance in Ahmedabad at movie promotion of JugJugg Jeeyo and delighted theirmillions of fans and followers. Both had a media interaction and launched song from the movie.