For Bollywood movie promotion Akelli featuring actress Nushrratt Baruccha and Tsahi Halevi visited Ahmedabad, Starcast of the movie interacted with media. GujaratHeadline covered Exclusive Interview with lead actress Nushrratt. Nushrratt shared lighter moments with co-star Tsahi on his familiarity with Gujarati language. Nushrratt and co-star Tsahi has good bonding in the movie. It is slated to […]
Eight children with scoliosis operated upon at GCS Hospital by USA surgeons
Ahmedabad: Eight children with scoliosis, an uncommon condition characterized by the lateral curvature of the spine, were operated upon at GCS Hospital in Ahmedabad in collaboration with a team of surgeons from the USA. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that can lead to significant pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, scoliosis can start out […]
Trailer of Gujarati suspense film “53mu panu” released today in Ahmedabad
* To be released on July 29, the film is poised to set new milestones in the Gujarati film industry * Kinjal Rajpriya, Aarjav Trivedi, Chetan Daiya, Mehul Buch, and Jay Bhatt will be seen playing important roles in the film Ahmedabad: Gujarati film “53mu panu”, presented by Magnet Media Films in association with Fifth […]