Today its a big day for Big B and his diehard fans as Bollywood’s mega star turns 81. There is lot of celebration to connect with heartthrob of millions by cutting cake, by sending messages to Big B, emails and greetings on a special day of the star. Fans rush outside, Jalsa, Pratiksha and Janak […]
Tag: jalsa
Amitabh Bachchan Injured During Project K Action Scene In Hyderabad; Big B return home
Bollywood Actor and Mega Star Amitabh Bachchan had a muscle tear to his right rib cage while shooting Project K in Hyderabad. The 80-years-old star revealed in a blog post that his rib cartilage “popped” on set while he filmed an action shot, injuring him. He received medical care in Hyderabad and is now recovering […]