About Rajkot TRP Game zone fire incident,On instructions from Gujarat High Court, a fact finding committee of three members was formed by state government. Report given by the Committee gave a clean chit to two former Municipal Commissioners and made several arguments. Amit Arora is one of the two Commisioners who were clean cheat. During […]
Ten crores worth Bicycle scam; Amit Chavda Congress LOP demands enquiry in the matter
Today Gujarat Congress Leader of Opposition Amit Chavda in front of media asked why enquiry is not conducted in Rs 10 crores scam of Saraswati Sadhna Yojana for purchase of 1.70 lakh bicycles. LOP said that Gujarat government including CMO and a few ministers are involved in Bicycle scams worths crores of rupees. EQDC Laboratory […]
Death penalty to rapist of 8 years old girl of Gir Somnath
Death sentence to convict of Rape and Murder of 8-years-old girl of Kodinar taluka of Gir Somnath district. Commitment given to victim family by state government and promise given by Home Minister was kept today. Victim girl of Sadhu Samaj got justice. The message has been given to culprits indulged in heinous crime Minister of […]
Ahmedabad Deadly car accident on SG Highway claimed 2 lives
Road of Ahmedabad city is witnessing once again become the Deadly accident on SG Highway. On Saturday night July 14 around 02 30 am, four friends were coming from Vaishnovdevi in their I20 car bearing RTO number GJ-01-RZ-3288 knocked Kamal and Alpesh who got down from their car and standing on right side of the […]
Gujarat HC reprimand state government over Harni boat tragedy claiming 14 lives
Recently Gujarat High Court at Ahmedabad reprimand state government over the committee report on the Harni boat tragedy of Vadodara claiming 14 lives. The court noticed that the report, which read like a ‘story’, tried to concealed factual information of the matter with its language.The court asked the government about the role of municipal commissioners […]
NEET-UG exam India wide protest; Godhra case handed over to CBI
India wide Students demonstatre and protest with placards and banners on roads including Gujarat, for justice amid NEET (The National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test) results controversy. Today, a big number of students in Rajkot protested, holding banners against taking NEET-UG exam again. A NEET-UG aspirant said I have scored 682 marks in the NEET-UG exam. There should […]
BSF recovers 10 packets of Suspected drugs; 102 packets recovered in 6 days
On June 19, BSF Border Security Force in its search operations, recovered 10 packets of suspected drugs off Jakhau Coast in Bhuj of Gujarat. 102 packets of suspected drugs have been recovered by BSF team in last six days, off Jakhau Coast.
Massive fire at TRP Game Zone in Rajkot claim 24 lives
Today Four people were reportedly booked by Rajkot police after a massive fire reported in city’s TRP Game Zone. In the fire tragedy 24 people died,including 12 children. According to Rajkot Police owner of the game zone is Yuvraj Jadeja. ( other TRP Game Zone owners are MahendraSinh Solanki , Prakash Jain and Rahul Rathore). […]
AMTS bus killed aged patient inside the Ambulance
Today one more incident of AMTS bus accident has come to light, near GIDC Gate No. 2 from Nana Chiloda Char Road hit the Ambulance Van carrying an aged patient, who was lying on a Stretcher inside the Ambulance Van, Old man died due to serious Head injuries. Three people, including Ambulance Driver and a […]