Today Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel in presence of dignitaries including Gujarat Governor Acharya Devvrat inaugurated newly constructed Amrut Van at Hetni Haveli, Dudhala. CM enjoyed exciting water sports at Bharatmata Sarovar and took the privilege of knowing about different species of birds very closely at the Nature Park. Horse-show was also organized by police […]
Tag: horse
Salman Khan’s love for his horse
Today Bollywood Actor and star Salman Khan has shared a new video in which he can be seen helping himself to some of his horse’s breakfast in a farm house.Natural serving to his meals, the actor on Friday took to social media to a share a strange yet funny video where he is seen feeding his horse. Salman can be seen munching […]
Surat: BJP MLA Sangita Patil takes horse ride on way to file nomination
Surat: BJP MLA Sangita Patil takes horse ride on way to file nomination Today afternoon in Surat, BJP MLA Sangita Patil takes horse ride on way to file nomination for Gujarat Assembly Elections 2017. Sangita Patil represents Limbayat constituency. Sangita dressed up in a saree in a typical Maharashtrian style. She also carried a sword […]