Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan and his cute little friend sent the cutest happy Independence Day wishes to all of us. Kartik greeted nation with a tricolored air wheel and sent Independence Day wishes on 77th Independence Day. kartik’s cute little puppy was enjoying his patriotic gesture. His millions of fans would be delighted with Kartik’s I Day message. […]
Tag: Kartik Aaryan
Kartik Aaryan & Diana Penty launch first H&M Store in Ahmedabad
Kartik Aaryan & Diana Penty launch first H&M Store in Ahmedabad Young Bollywood stars, Karthik Aaryan and Diana Penty joined in for the grand opening of H&M’s debut store in Ahmedabad at Iscon Emporio. Over 800 enthusiastic shoppers and fashionistas queued up to explore the new collection in store. Ahmedabad, 18 May 2018, “It’s been […]
Checkout: Kartik Aaryan, Nushrat Bharucha and Sunny Singh’s Romantic Track “Subah Subah” from “Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety”
Kartik Aaryan, Nushrat Bharucha and Sunny Singh’s Romantic Track “Subah Subah” from “Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety” Presenting the peppy travel song “Subah Subah” from “Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety”, composed by Amaal Mallik in the melodious voice of Arijit Singh & Prakriti Kakar. The youthful song is shot in the scenic locales of Rishikesh […]