Ahmedabad property tax for 3 years will be calculated according to old Jantri rates Ahmedabad property tax will be calculated according to old rates for three years. Reduction in environment charge by 23.12 crores, Reduction in tax rate by 146.04 crores partially approved. AMC Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation budget of RS 9,482 crores approved Budget of […]
Tag: scrap
Drastic change in RTO Registration number procedure says Purnesh Modi
Yesterday Transport Minister Purnesh Modi announced some drastic change in RTO vehicle registration and RTO number procedure. Minister Modi this announcement to media. From now onwards Gujarat government has announced that a registration number can be maintained by an owner even after the vehicle is sold or scrapped, and can be transferred for a stipulated […]
Scandal of misuse of Bio-Medical waste on large scale in Gujarat
In Gujarat it is learnt that scandal of misusing Bio-Medical waste is going on large scale through scrap dealers. During police raid it was revealed that minor child and women are used in hand picking of bio-medical waste and attempt to sale them with new product or adulterated product. It was surprising that unskilled workers […]