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Ahmedabad: ACB recovered Rs 34 crores from accused Magistrate DG Modi

Today, during  DA case search operation at accused DG Modi Executive Magistrate and Mamlatdar by ACB Anti Corruption Bureau team at Nirant park Bungalow and a private office property and investment related (fixed deposit, share certificates, cash certificates), land records (for land at Dascroi, Palanpur, Bodakdev and agriculture land) documents were recovered for property worth Rs 34,56,68,890.

ACB has sealed 68 bank accounts of Modi in banks at Ahmedabad and Mumbai. Also one Hyundai I10, Nissan Micra, Valkswagen Vento and Two wheeler was recovered from the accused.

Lockers in SBI banks of accused are being opened and other nbank lockers are yet to open, as per sourcesmodi judge34cr.