Coal tar has been washed out in rain which tells what kind of material has been used in making road on the bridge.
After roads, bridge also has turned very risky and vehicles on it are passing at high speed increasing risk of commuters and making it accident prone bridge.
Many times requests were made to civic authorities to mend the roads by local people. When ministers are to pass from bridge, they being repaired overnight, else they are left for people to suffer. Vehicles of local people’s vehicle gets spoiled with bad condition of roads.
Last month during Rath Yatra when Gujarat chief minister and Ahmedabad Mayor were to pass from this road in Jamalpur, it was repaired blame local people.
Thousands of vehicles are passing through Jamalpur during the day who face hardship due to poor condition of road on Jamalpur bridge and crores of rupees spent on making roads gets wasted.
As per AMC Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation authority, it will take some time to mend the condition of road and bridge

As per media source.