In Ahmedabad, series of Mobile Shops were launched by Poojara. Mobile Shop has all popular and leading brands including iPhone, Oppo, Vivo, Nokia and Reliance to offer their customers. Poojaras have more than 50 lakh satisfied customers and their Mobile Shops spread across cities in Paldi, Vastral, Nikol, Sardarnagar and 6 new shops launched in […]
Coronavirus positive cases in Gujarat tally has gone to 122 said Dr Jayanti Ravi, Principal Secretary, Health and Family Welfare at a morning press conference in Gandhinagar today. Total COVID19 positive cases become 122 in Gujarat, with 10 New Cases in hotspot Ahmedabad. Four patients have been discharged. 94 are stable. 17 discharged.No one is […]
Mohan Bhagwat RSS explains Theory of Contract; equates it with marriage Mohan Bhagwat RSS Chief talked on Theory of Social Contract. Bhagwat said its a mutually acceptable deal between husband and wife at an event of RSS in Indore Rajasthan. You may call it a marriage. Bhagwat further says marriage is a social deal, a […]