Today evening The 50th Dadasaheb Phalke Awards honoured legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan with India’s highest film honour – for his outstanding contribution to Indian cinema, in New Delhi. President Ram Nath Kovind presented the Award to actor Amitabh, he was accompanied by wife Jaya Bachchan and son Abhishek Bachchan at the ceremony. The 77-years-old actor, who skipped this year’s National Film Awards ceremony due to health issues, received the award from President Ram Nath Kovind at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. After receiving the award, Amitabh Bachchan said,”Jab iss puruskar ki ghoshna hui to mere mann mein ek sandeh utha. Ki kya kahin ye sanket hai mere liye ki bhai sahab aapne bahut kaam kar liya, ab ghar baith ke aaram kar lijiye. Kyunki abhi bhi thoda kaam baki hai jise mujhe poora karna hai.”
In September 2019, Union Minister Prakash Javadekar announced that Bachchan will be awarded with the prestigious award. The legend Amitabh Bachchan who entertained and inspired for 2 generations has been selected unanimously for Dadasahab Phalke Award. Entire national and international community is happy. My heartiest Congratulations to him, Prakash Javadekar tweeted.
In his tweet, actor stated that he could not attend the National Award ceremony because he was down with fever and that he was not allowed to travel. “Down with fever… Not allowed to travel. Will not be able to attend National Award tomorrow in Delhi. So unfortunate, my regrets,” Big B tweeted. The 66th National awards were presented to the winners by Vice President of India Venkaiah Naidu last week. Amitabh Bachchan has won four National Film Awards for Best Actor through his illustrious career, last winning it for his performance in 2015 film Piku.