Today Kirit Parmar Ahmedabad Mayor approves Budget for VS Hospital and MJ library for the financial year 2022-23. AMTS Budget was sanctioned by Transport Committee Chairman Vallabh Patel for the financial year 2022-23. A Press conference was held during release of the budget and media interactions were invited.

AMTS has an annual budget of Rs 536.14 crores, MJ Library has Rs. 15.33 crores and VS Hospital has Rs. 184.83 crores.
450 new buses will be launched by AMTS Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Service
AMTS offers free passes to children whose parents have died and to citizens over age of 65 years due to Coronavirus.
Renovation of VS General Hospital and Sheth Chinai Maternity Home building.

State-of-the-art equipment such as (TcB) measurement devices, ELISA Microplate Reader and Tissue Lesion will be developed to upgrade the medical facility.
A new Sports Injury Clinic will also be set up in the hospital.
Rs 200 lakhs was allocated for Digitization of Cases of all departments of the hospital.

Sheth MJ Library Ahmedabad’s Rs. 15.33 crores budget has been sanctioned.
MJ Library management board has incorporated new projects worth Rs. 1.80 crores.
For better preparation and self-assessment for competitive examination, various types of Rs. 30 lakh modules have been planned.
To acquaint citizens with current events taking place in India and abroad a live sol to be arranged outside the library.