Today Bollywood actor and star Akshay Kumar was seen holding a banner with caption “#DIL SE THANKYOU” in appreciation of all those who provide safety to him and his family by working day and night relentlessly.
Name : Akshay Kumar
City : Mumbai
Mere aur mere parivaar ki taraf se…
Police, Nagar Nigam ke workers, doctors, nurses, NGOs, volunteers, government officials, vendors, building ke guards ko #DilSeThankYou 🙏🏻— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) April 9, 2020
There’s an army of people working day and night to keep us safe, our families safe. Lets together say #DilSeThankYou to them because that’s the least we can do. @mybmc @MumbaiPolice
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) April 9, 2020