Ahmedabad, August 05, 2024: Sompura Handicrafts, the first art gallery in Ahmedabad that gives a glimpse of the ancient Indian tradition and culture, was inaugurated by Anantashree Vibhushit Paschimmanya Dwarka Shardapithadhiswara Jagadguru Shankaracharyaji Param Pujya Swamishri Sadananda Saraswatiji.
Mehulbhai of the Sompura family, builders of grand temples around the world, has designed an art gallery keeping in mind Indian architecture, sculpture and iconography and integrating science and technology. The objective of starting this art gallery is to spread awareness and understanding of Indian architectural art, culture and literature of ancient architecture among the art loving youth and emerging artists of the state of Gujarat.

Since ancient times in India and around the world, the sculptures of magnificent Hindu temples and Jain derasars have been making invaluable contributions to the architecture and construction of Mahalayas. In this gallery, Sompura sculptors have created delicate, curvaceous, graceful figure, immortal sculptural works with the help of stitches and hammers on the rough and tough material like stone.

On this occasion, Art Gallery Sompura Handicraft Manager Mehulbhai said, “We feel a great sense of respect and honour as the Art Gallery is inaugurated today by the boon of Anantashree Vibhushit Paschimmanya Dwarka Shardapithadhiswar Jagadguru Shankaracharyaji Param Pujya Swamishree Sadanand Saraswatiji. Through this art gallery, we aim to spread awareness about our art and culture among people interested in art, culture and ancient architecture across Gujarat and to acquaint the youth of the state with our rich heritage, culture and architecture. I am confident that our unique initiative will get a very positive response from people across the state.