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Gujarat farmers paid Rs 2,776 crores for crop failure by insurance co says RC Faldu

Today Gujarat Agriculture Minister RC Faldu said that the state government was trying  to ensure that the farmers get the crop damage related payments from insurance companies. The minister alleged that the main opposition Congress which boycotted the Question Hour and walked out of the Assembly has no business to do with farmer’s interests but political.

It had done so to avoid the embarrassment the party would have to face due to allegations made by opposition leader Paresh Dhanani in connection with the tablet purchased by Gujarat government. Talking to media persons at the Assembly premises Faldu said that despite a good yield of Agriculture produces last year, the state government had pressed the insurance companies to pay Rs 2,776 crores of insurance money to the farmers in the state. Faldu added that while he was answering the Congress member’s question regarding a crop insurance issue, the party MLA Lalit Kagathara started interrupting for no reason. The question was of importance to the state but the party was seemingly not interested in it. Rather we felt that the party was intentionally trying to find a reason to walk out as it was not willing to face embarrassment in the House due to the false allegation of its leader Dhanani.

Mr. Dhanani had alleged that the government had purchased tablets for distribution at a rate of Rs 6,600 while the real price in the market was Rs 1,400 only.

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