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Gujarat contributes to 21% of Country’s wetlands

Gujarat has a valuable natural resource of diverse wetlands, it helps contribute to the state’s environmental health, biodiversity, and economy. Ecosystems comprising of forests and wetlands, etc would consume the carbon in the atmosphere and turn it into biomass. Under the able guidance of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and the dedicated efforts of Forest and Environment Minister Mulu Bera and Minister of State Mukesh Patel, the conservation of natural resources has led Gujarat to account for 21 percent of the total wetland area in India, which is the highest among all states in India, as per media release.

Gujarat’s wetlands cover a 3.5 million hectare area which accounts for 17.8 percent of the state’s geographical location. As per the Space Applications Centre-ISRO (2021), a satellite-based observation of Indian wetlands indicated that Gujarat has a total of 17,613 wetlands, spanning over 3,499,429 hectares of area. It include inland natural wetlands, inland man-made wetlands, coastal man-made wetlands, and coastal natural wetlands. In Gujarat 67 percent of the wetland area consists of depressions, 46.8 per cent comprises floodplains, 91.6 percent consists of salt marshes and 75.5 percent includes salt pans, the release further stated.

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