On 1 August Gujarat High Court slammed state government, city police and civic authority AMC Amdavad Municipal Corporation on illegal parking issues. HC told that the traffic drive should be 24×7 for 365 days instead of 15 days. A bench comprising of Justice Alpesh Kogje and Justice Sameer Dave stated that citizens do not pay taxes to face inconvenience on roads. Despite orders from Chief Justice to prohibit illegal parking and entry of luxury buses into the city, Ghatlodia PI VD Mori refused to comply and responded to enforcement requests dismissively.
Court, led by Justices Kogje and Dave, reprimanded the government and police department for such irresponsibility, stressing the necessity of take action against officers who violate court orders. On seriousness of traffic and illegal parking issues, HC gave the state government, city traffic police, and AMC one week to take immediate and firm action.
HC summoned chief secretary of state Raj Kumar to be present in next hearing scheduled on Aug 8. Gujarat HC also observed that traffic drives were done on a few roads however issues of parking and traffic mismanagement mess up entire city. It demanded a permanent stable solution to the problems.