On May 9 around two dozen angadia firms in Ahmedabad and Surat were raided by Gujarat crime investigation department (CID). Total of Rs 12.50 crores cash, 1 kg gold, foreign currency, computer and a laptop were seized and reported to IT Income Tax Department. Team of 150 IT officers raided angadia firms on CG road-based Iscon Arcade, Gold Souk Complex, and Super Mall in Ahmedabad.Big amount of cash was recovered from two leading Angadia firms from Ahmedabad. Two months back, an investigation into fake accounts revealed an alleged money worth Rs 200 crore laundering was linked to Dubai.
Angadia firms that were raided on May 9 are reported to have been involved in money laundering to Dubai. The investigation found two or three such accounts through which money was sent abroad to Dubai. Accounts were opened in the name of non-existing person, however money was transacted in their names. In investigation, it was revealed that money laundering scam from these fake accounts through channel of angadia firms was underway.