narayan sai guilty
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Narayan Sai to be in Lajpore jail of Surat in rape case

Narayan Sai to be in Lajpore jail of Surat, after having convicted in rape case on his disciples. Sai will not get daily wages for 3 months.

Surat sessions court Pronounced quantum of punishment to Narayan Sai, son of Asaram.

Sai has been convicted by Surat Sessions Court under IPC section 376 on FIR by his disciple of rape charges.

Verdict by court is likely by evening. Security in court campus increased. Bomb squad and sniffer dog present in the court premises. Sai produced before court in tight security.

Sai gets lifer for rape of disciple and has been sentenced to life imprisonment and FinedĀ  One Lakh Rupees penalty. Rape case was registered in Jahangirpura police station of Surat in 2013. He was convicted for rape and assault to his disciple woman earlier.


Today Surat sessions court finds Naryan Sai Guilty in the Rape case. 34 witnesses were examined in the case. Punishment to be Pronounced on 30th April by Surat court. sai has been convicted by Surat Sessions Court.

Narayan Sai is a son of Asaram, who presently in the jail.

In 2013, in Jahangirpura case against Sai was filed on rape charges , trial in the case went on for 6 years. He has been booked under IPC section 376. Sai was arrested from Punjab border. He was booked for offering bribe of Rs 13 crores and attack on witness.

Arguments by lawyer from both the sides were made.

lawyer of narayan sai case
lawyer of narayan sai case

Sai’s disciple Ganga, Jamna and Hanuman were also booked as co-accused. Ganga and Jamuna are sisters. Ganga is in police custody.

Sai was produced in the court at 11:00 am amid tight security and made him sit in the last row of court. Judge arrived at 1 pm and gave his verdict. Sai became serious after hearing the verdict by Judge.

Sai will be taken to Lajpore court. He has been taken into police custody.

Quantum of punishment by the court will be pronounced on 30th April.