Article by Darshana Jamindar
Railway Minister Sadananda Gowda presented maiden Rail Budget for year 2014-15, while announces budget Gowda said Indian railways to become the largest freight carrier in the world.Social obligation of Railways in 2013-14 was Rs 20,000 crore.Gross traffic receipts in 2013-14 was Rs 12,35,558 crore; operating ratio was 94 per cent. decision to launch diamond quadrilateral of high speed trains.
Highlights of Rail Budget:
- 27 express trains to be introduced, 5 new jan sadharan trains to be introduced.
- NDA Government proposes highest ever plan outlay of Rs 65,455 crore for 2014-15.
- Proposed 54 per cent higher funds for 23 ongoing projects in the Northeast with an outlay of Rs 5,116 crore and 29 projects, costing Rs 20,680 crore, currently running in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
- 18 new line surveys, 10 surveys for doubling 3rd and 4th lines and gauge conversion.
- Setting up of logistic parks, private freight terminals on PPP model.
- Connectivity to ports through PPP, procurement of parcel vans and rakes by private parties for resource augmentation.
- Ten major stations to be developed to international standards on the lines of newly developed airports through PPP mode.
- Introduction of 5 jansadharan, 5 premium, 6 AC, 27 express, 8 passenger trains, 2 MEMU and 5 DEMU services.
- Railway University for technical and non-technical subjects; to tie-up with technical institutions.
- Rail connectivity to ‘chaar dham’ in Uttarakhand.
- Hospital Management Information System to integrate all railway health units and hospital.
- Bangalore to get suburban rails.
- Internet & Workstation facilities on select trains.
- E-procurement compulsory for procurements over Rs 25 lakh.
- Parcel traffic to be segregated to separate terminals to make passenger traffic unhindered.
- Some stations to be developed to international standards through PPP model.
- Future E-Ticketing to support 7200 tickets per minute and to allow 1.2 lakh simultaneous users.
- Challenges of tomorrow cannot be met by tools of yesterday.
- Ensuring of safety, provision of Rs1,785crore for road-over/under bridges,multi-pronged approach to eliminate unmanned level crossings.
- Special trains for religious places.
- Wi-Fi in A-1 and A category stations and in select trains.
- Solar energy to be harnessed through PPP by utilizing rooftop spaces of stations, railway buildings.
- Temperature controlled storage for fruits and vegetables”
- Solar energy to be harnessed through PPP by utilizing rooftop spaces of stations and railway buildings”
- Railways to introduce a pilot project for automatic rebate in returning freight trains”
- Semi-Bullet trains to start off on Delhi-Agra route”
- Railways plans to increase speed of trains to 160 to 200 km per hour in nine select sectors.”
- Ladies’ coaches to be escorted by women RPF constables; additional care for ladies travelling alone.
- Indian Railways to start using bio-diesel, 5% of total fuel consumption.
- Summer internships to undergraduate students from engineering background.
- Transportation of milk through special milk transport trains.
- GIS Mapping and Digitization of Railway Land. Extension of logistics support to various e-Commerce Companies.
- Gross traffic receipts in 2014-15 estimated at Rs 1,64,374, expenditure Rs 1,49,176 crore. A 12.9 % growth expected in traffic receipt.
- Resource mobilisation through leveraging PSU resources, Foreign Direct Investment and Public Private Participation.
- Outsourcing at 50 major stations;onboard housekeeping to be extended to more trains; Launching feedback service through IVRS on the quality.
- Rs 1,780 Crore to eliminate unmanned level crossings.
- Future E-Ticketing to support 7200 tickets per minute & to allow 120,000 simultaneous users.
- WiFi systems on all A1 category stations.
- Recent fare and tariff hike to mop additional revenue of about Rs 8,000 crore.
- 4,000 women constables to be inducted to enhance onboard safety.
- Increase in speed of trains to 160 to 200 kilometres per hour in select nine sectors.
- Mobile-based wake-up call system for passengers.
- Retiring rooms on all stations.
- CCTVs to be used at stations for monitoring cleanliness at railway stations; third party inspections to be introduced.
- Budget allocation for cleanliness up by 40 per cent over the last year.
- Reservation system will be revamped and ticket-booking through mobile phones and post offices popularised.
- Efforts will be made to increase speed of trains to 160-200, on select sectors.
- Bullet trains on Mumbai-Ahmedabad sector has been identified.
- Contemplating setting up of a railway university, both technical and non-technical courses.
- Retiring room facility to be extended to all stations.
- Lady coaches to be escorted by RPF women constables; additional care will be taken of ladies travelling alone.
- 4000 women RPF personnel will be deployed.
- Ticket bookings through post offices and mobile phones will be popularized, also coin operated ticket machines.
- Launching feedback service through IVRS on the quality of food. Food can be ordered by SMS & phone.
- Railways to scale down market borrowings to Rs 11,790 crore.
- Indian Railways to set up food courts at major railway stations.
- 40% higher allocation, outsourcing at 50 major stations, onboard housekeeping to be extended to more trains.
- Bio-toilets in trains to be increased to mitigate direct discharge of human waste on tracks and platform.
- Loss per passenger per kilometre up from 10 paise (in 2000-01) to 23 paise (2012-13).
- Gross traffic receipts in 2014-15 estimated at Rs 1,64,374, expenditure Rs 1,49,176 crore. A 12.9% growth expected in traffic receipt.
- Cleanliness is Godliness. Very high emphasis is given to improve cleanliness at stations & trains.
- CCTVs at stations will be used to monitor cleaning activities.
Ex Railway Minister, Pawan Bansal Rail Budget,”They seem to be accusing prev Govts of wasting revenue, spoke nothing new but made criticism”. Pawan Bansal (Frmr Rail Min):”They seem to be accusing previous Governments of wasting revenue.Haven’t spoken abt anything new but made criticism.
While reacting on Rail Budget Mayawati said, “We are not against FDI but this should not lead to withdrawal of reservations of backward castes, Rail minister says ministry is in losses so how will the proposed modernization take place?”