Entertainment Gujarat Headline News Special Top Stories

Gujarati Movie 3 Ekka success party in Ahmedabad for Box Office Hit

Recently in Ahmedabad, success party of Gujarati Movie 3 Ekka featuring Malhar Thakar , Yash Soni , Hitu Kanodiya, Chetan Daiya, Prem Gadhvai of Jannok Films and Anand Pandit Motion Pictures. The movie collected Rs 25 crores at Box Office in just 20 days making a unique record. It is also and indication that modern […]

cm jamnagar visit
Breaking News Gujarat Header Slider Headline News Top Stories

Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel visited flood hit Saurashtra

Gujarat Many villages in Jamnagar, Junagadh and Porbandar districts of Saurashtra devastated by flood waters and flood like situation since yesterday. Lack of electricity in villages and cities has created a problem of drinking water and food grain flour. Houses, livestock and fodder have been heavily affected. Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel , Jamnagar MP […]

taukate cyclcone
Breaking News Gujarat Header Slider Headline News Top Stories

Cyclone Tauktae likely to hit coastal Gujarat by May 18-19

Article by Darshana JamindarIn connection with current Cyclone Tauktae , NDRF National Disaster Response Force Team From Odisha has left For Gujarat Today. Cyclone Tauktae may hit coastal regions of Gujarat by May 18 -19, 2021. 15 NDRF team will be deployed in Saurashtra following the cyclone forecast, it will further deploy 2 teams in […]