anand ode village massacre high court acquits four
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2002 Gujarat riots: High Court upholds 14 convicts’ life term, acquits four in Ode massacre case

2002 Gujarat riots: High Court upholds 14 convicts’ life term, acquits four in Ode massacre case

Today in 2002 Gujarat riots case, in its verdict Gujarat High Court said lifetime imprisonment of 14 convicts will continue while disposing off the life term awarded to 4 others convicts at Ode village of Anand district massacre case. Also, seven-year jail term to five others will also continue.

A special trial court had held 23 out of 47 accused were found guilty in 2012.

In the massacre case, 23 persons of minority community were burnt and 20 Muslim homes were destroyed.

The Ode massacre was one amongst the 9 post-Godhra riot cases investigated by the Supreme Court appointed SIT Special Investigating Team.