farmers protesting against gpcl lease detained in bhavnagar by police
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Bhavnagar: Police Detain farmers protesting over Land Acquisition case by GPCL

Bhavnagar: Police Detain farmers protesting over Land Acquisition case by GPCL

Today in Bhavnagar, Police Detain 100 protesting farmers over Land Acquisition case.
Near Surka village police did lathicharge on protesting farmers. Police also bursted tear gas shell at the site.

At Padwa village farmers agitation against GPCL.

1,355 hectares in 12 villages was under acquisition for a thermal power plant, lignite mines, constructing a colony, ash dumping etc. for GPCL Gujarat Power Corporation Ltd since 1993-94. The consent award was passed between 1997 and 2001 and compensation was  paid to farmers, Rs 48,000 per hectare for non-irrigated land and Rs 72,000 per hectare for irrigated land.

bhavnagar farmers detained by police
bhavnagar farmers detained by police
30-year land lease conditions stipulated that GPCL launch a power plant in 2 years and start using the land for raw material. The mining lease was executed in 2005, and BTPP Bhavnagar Thermal Power Plant  was commissioned near village Padva in 2017. The farmers claim that the plant was to be commissioned by 2000, and the project was delayed for so many years.
The farmers moved Gujarat High Court to declare the land acquired in these villages as lapsed now because 2 conditions of the amended land acquisition laws have not been fulfilled. They requested the court to stop government officials from initiating action to take possession of the land.