Bollywood actor and renowned comedian Raju Srivastava, who suffered a heart attack while working out at the gym on August 10, is no more. The comedian passed away today, September 21, after a long fight. Raju Srivastava’s family members – his wife, son and daughter – are currently at AIIMS. The family will decide now whether to take him to Mumbai or Kanpur.
Death of Raju Sivastava was confirmed by his brother.
Raju Srivastava had suffered severe brain damage after the cardiac arrest, and had remained unconscious and under observation at AIIMS, Delhi since August 10. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, had spoken to the comedian’s wife, Shikha Srivastava, and had assured her full help in treatment. Raju was working out on the treadmill when he experienced chest pain and collapsed. He was brought to AIIMS Delhi by his trainer and was given CPR twice to resuscitate his heart.
During the cardiac arrest, Raju Srivastava also suffered immense brain damage. He was in a critical condition and was on ventilator support. He was being treated by the AIIMS team doctors of the Cardiology and Emergency Department, led by Dr Nitish Nyay. As per AIIMS sources, Srivastava suffered a cardiac arrest while working out at the gym and was brought to the hospital by his trainer. The comedian was given CPR twice to resuscitate his heart.