Traders from other states who have come to Gujarat for business and have been doing business for years are in danger. Traders who make such statements are not safe. However, this statement has been proved wrong by traders who came from Rajasthan (Rajasthani traders). Traders are telling us not to make political issue without a reason. The controversial statement of Gujarat Congress In-charge Raghu Sharma has heated up politics again.
BJP and Congress leaders have been making allegations against him over his statement. But even the traders who have come from other provinces and have been doing business in Gujarat for years have been taken aback by Congress In-charge’s statement.

Traders said in clear words that we understand the language of business, don’t make us an issue of politics. Gujarat has given us a lot. A dried fruit trader in Bopal, is himself a native of Shirohi, Rajasthan has been doing business here for last 18 years. He says that after coming to Gujarat, we have made progress. We’ve never seen tax have any trouble with us. We just came here and made our shop home. If there is an atmosphere of peace, it is in Gujarat. Similarly, One local Jeweller says that it has been years since we came to Gujarat from Rajasthan. We have a third generation that trades here. My own birth is also from Gujarat.
So the traders have not had any problem in doing business. However, this statement seems to have been made only for the sake of politics. We should not make it an issue of politics. It is important to note that this statement by Congress leader Raghu Sharma has sparked controversy. It remains to be seen what form this controversy will take.
In response to statement by Congress In-Charge Sharma, a team of BJP leders including BJP Gujarat President CR Patil and Jitu Vaghani have entered into battle field to defend their point and refute claim made by Sharma.