Today night Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal were married at a private wedding in Alibaug. A veteran priest and his assistant were called in a car with big bags, probably carrying the items needed to perform the wedding rituals.
Varun shared the first snap of his wedding pheras on Instagram just a few minutes after they got married with a beautiful caption: “Life long love just became official,” he wrote.
At his wedding, Varun Dhawan made a film entry on a quad bike. The Baaraat had come together at The Mansion House wedding venue, and songs like Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai were played along with the dhol beats. Varun’s first song for Natasha Dalal was Heeriye Sehra Baandh Ke Main Toh Aaya Re from the film Salaam E-Ishq.
Varun and Natasha were wearing just the perfect pair of ivory shades. After the wedding ceremony, the newly-weds left the venue for a brief photo-op, sending the paparazzi to the frenzy. But first, here’s how Varun Dhawan made it “official” to Natasha Dalal:
Many Bollywood celebs honored and blessed the occasion.