The marksheet will be written as Qualified for Secondary School Certificate. After giving mass promotion in standard 10, now students and parents are waiting for the result. The results of Std-10 are likely to be declared on June 25 of Gujarat state. This result will be prepared on the basis of periodic standard 9 standard test and standard 10 unit test. In which 80 marks will be assessed from Std. 9 and 10 and results will be given from 20 marks of school assessment. The first and second test will be converted to 40 percent marks. A student who passed 26 out of 80 or even 7 out of 20 marks in school passed it. The Qualified for Secondary School Certificate will be written in its marksheet.
The last date for uploading marks is 17th June. The last date for uploading marks by Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is June 17. Examination secretary said that internal assessment marks of Std. 10 candidates, marks as per secondary level structure as well as school level subject marks will have to be filled online from the Board’s website and on June 8, 2021 from 11 am to 5 pm on June 17. The marks of students should be filled on the basis of name of students and application number. Online marks can be logged using the school’s index number and registered mobile number.

Students who are absent in periodic or unit test will also pass Since the standards selected for evaluation are from pre-academic years of Covid-19 situation, candidate might not be present in one or more of the prescribed standards in case of a candidate. In such a case, the pass will be declared by forgiving the missing mark by the board as it is to be passed by mass promotion. In case the candidate is absent in one or more of the prescribed criteria for evaluation, zero mark shall be shown.
Std. 10 students will be evaluated in 2 parts
Marks will be given from Std. 9 periodical test
30 marks of Std.10 online and offline examination A maximum of 20 marks will be given from the periodical test of Std
A maximum of 10 marks will be obtained from Std. 10 unit test
There will be 20 marks for internal assessment of the school
8.60 lakh will be passed and having 7 lakh seats will be an admission problem 8.60 lakh students due to mass promotion. Standard 11 or later will qualify for admission to a vocational course. For these students Std. 11 has 5.50 lakh seats, while diploma and ITI has about 1.50 lakh seats. Thus a total of 7 lakh seats are available for admission. In this situation, 8.60 lakh will be passed, which will create an admission problem, sources said.