Last night, on Surat highway from two different trucks imported liquor worth more than Rs 59.99 lakhs was seized. Surat LCB Local Crime Branch police of Surat district seized 12,420 Indian made Imported liquor bottles on the basis of two different inputs received last night. Surat district police made history in Surat district Newly appointed […]
Tag: bootlegger
Amit Chavda of Congress takes on Government on compensation to farmers of unseasonal rain and unruly bootleggers
Government to pay for crop damage compensation before Kharif season: Amit Chavda• Unruly bootleggers due to soft eye of government : Amit Chavda• Raid bootleggers and put them behind bars: Amit Chavda In a press conference held at Gandhinagar today, Leader of Opposition in Gujarat Assembly Congress MLA Amit Chavda, Kisan Cell Chairman Palbhai Ambalia […]
Hardcore Bootlegger’s talk with Patan MP goes viral
Today a hardcore Bootlegger was nabbed with liquor worth Rs 6 Lakhs in Patan. Bootlegger Motibha was arrested by Patan police. Talk of bootlegger Motibha with MP form Patan has gone viral. Earlier Motibha has been booked 6 times by police. Further investigation in the case has started by Patan police. As per media source.
Wanted bootlegger arrested by Satellite Police in Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad Arrest of wanted bootlegger Kalu Gardan made by Satellite police today in early morning. In crime of land grabbing Kalu was absconding for quite sometime. Police Complaint was registered for illegal construction on the land of AMC Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. 29 offenses have been registered against Kalu Gardan. He was booked 4 times under […]
Bootlegger attacked family of AMC Corporator in Ramol
In Ahmedabad city, incident of attack by bootlegger on lady AMC Corporator’s family has come to light. Anil Patel youth leader in team of Gujarat Home Minister Pradipsinh Jadeja was attacked and attempted to kill by running car over him by bootlegger in Vivekanandnagar. Anil Patel is husband of lady AMC Corporator Parul Patel from […]
Women bootlegger buried liquor underground in Ahmedabad
Women bootlegger buried liquor underground in Ahmedabad Today in Ahmedabad, Crime Branch dig out a stock of liquor buried underground by one Ranip‘s bootlegger. As a new trick to hide the stock from the eye of police, lady bootlegger had buried liquor underground. Further investigation has started. Police has taken liquor stock in his custody. […]