intern doctors
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Intern doctors go on strike over irregularities in Covid allowance

Today GMERS Medical College and Civil Hospital intern doctors go on strike. Government gave Covid allowance in some colleges and not in all places. Prime minister of India Narendra Modi directed MBBS interns to be deployed on COVID-19 duty in early May.

As per GIDA Gujarat Intern Doctors’ Association, there are as many as 150 interns who are on strike. The interns are sitting outside the campus and staging demonstrattion

As per the order of health and family welfare department of Gujarat, dated April 12, the medical interns of all government and GMERS medical colleges who were on COVID-duty were supposed to receive a COVID allowance of Rs 5,000 per month from March to June.

Claim that less allaowance was paid in Ahmedabad Sola Civil Hospital.
Intern doctors demand that government provide assuarnce in writing to pay the allowance.
Interns doctors from other colleges will also join the strike.

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