Rescue operation of birds like Pigeon, Eagle, Kite, Dove was carried out by the team of Animal Life Care in Ahmedabad city. Vijay Dabhi of Animal Life Care has been organizing Rescue and First Aid camps for last 10 years. During Uttarayan,

Vijay Dabhi appealed to the public that many innocent birds get seriously wounded or killed by use Chinese thread. Most of the emergency calls received on Uttarayan were of birds injured with Chinese thread. He has rescued and saved many birds till date on various emergency occasions.

Many times, minor surgery has to be done and stitches have to be done.
Birds die due to big sound of crackers and shock. Many times they are found dead on terrace.
In case of finding any wounded bird, immediately call Bird Helpline.
He appeals people not to use Chinese thread.
Also clean terrace and removed unwanted kites and thread on completion of Uttarayan festival.