Drive-through Covid vaccination has started at Ahmedabad’s GMDC ground with an administrative charge of Rs 1,000. There was a long queue of vehicles from early morning to get the vaccine. Some questions have been raised against this vaccination process started at GMDC ground.
People were not registered when free vaccination was done by the system and the same website is now offering the vaccine for a fee of Rs 1000. Private hospital are charging Rs 1000 for vaccination but there has been controversy since it was announced by AMC Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation for youth between 18 to 44 years.
According to sources, even though the drive-through vaccination was announced at GMDC ground, entire matter reached Gandhinagar without knowledge of AMC authorities and the decision was taken by officials and AMC boards were taken down overnight.
Gujarat deputy chief minister Nitin Patel reactions on Covid drive through vaccination program.
Congress spokesman Jayrajsinh Parmar criticise on vaccination through PPP model.
As per media source.