Gujarat home minister Harsh Sanghavi personally inspected security arrangements by reviewing on sensitive areas in Ahmedabad city ahead of 145th Rath Yatra of lord Jagannath on 1st July this year starting from Jagannath temple in Jamalpur area.
State home minister Sanghavi was welcome by local people in Dariapur area near Tambu Chowki.
This time 3 chariots and more than 100 trucks to join the Rath Yatra. Help of all people including RTO and Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has been taken. A convoy of 4 DIG, 20 SP, 60 DySP has been deployed by Ahmedabad Police to prevent any untoward incident during the Rath Yatra. In addition, 150 PIs, 300 PSIs and 2000 policemen will be deployed in the Rath Yatra.