Breaking News Crime Gujarat Header Slider Headline News Top Stories

49 Wanted hardcore Criminals arrested in single night by Ahmedabad DCP Zone 5 team

Exactly after one month on June 20, Rath Yatra of Lord Jagannath will be taken out in Ahmedabad city. In a big success to Ahmedabad Police, team lead by DCP Zone 5 Baldev Desai, there were notorious criminals hiding in Ahmedabad city who were absconding away from their localities after committing crimes. Ahmedabad Zone-5 DCP […]

Gujarat Headline News Top Stories

Philanthropist Shri Rajkumar Pugalia of Karma Foundation gave educational scholarship to 63 girls on his 50th Wedding Anniversary

On 19th February 2023 Sunday, On the joyous occasion of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Philanthropist Shri Rajkumar Pugalia and Smt Manju Pugalia of Gallops Group sponsored education by donating scholarships to 63 special girls for uplifting their lives by supporting their education till they enter graduation. Under Saksham Kanya Yojana of Pugalia Group this […]

cyber crime team
Crime Gujarat Headline News Top Stories

Special team formed in Ahmedabad to curb Cyber Crime

Cyber ​​crime cases are increasing day by day in Corona pandemic. Ahmedabad Cyber ​​Crime Team is also equipped to detect such challenging cyber crime cases and curb cyber crime. Ahmedabad Cyber ​​Crime DCP and his team are becoming high-tech by learning Ethical Hacking. Arresting such high-tech criminals has become a big challenge for cyber crime. […]

ghrc ni
Breaking News Gujarat Header Slider Headline News Top Stories

Gujarat Human Rights Commission Seek Report from state admin and police over attack on North Indians

Today in Gandhinagar: Abhilasha Kumari Chairperson GHRC Gujarat Human Rights Commission Seek Report from the chief secretary general of state government , DCP Gujarat and Ahmedabad Police Commissioner over the attacks on North Indians. The report is to be submitted to GHRC in 20 days  explaining what steps have been taken by state administration and […]